Substance Misuse Services
Please note: You may find there are differences between Staffordshire County Council and Stoke on Trent City Council SUBSTANCE MISUSE Services.
Please ensure that the service you are reading about is relevant to your pharmacy location and to the client you are speaking to.
Stoke-on-Trent Community Drug and Alcohol Services (CDAS) is jointly delivered by WithYou and BAC O’Connor (BAC). WithYou will commission the pharmacy based Supervised Consumption and continue to commission the Needle Syringe Provision (NSP) services. For more information, please follow the links in this newsletter.
If you have any queries about this service, including payments, please email
Substances Misuse services in Staffordshire are commissioned by Staffordshire County Council and from 1st April 2024 will be provided via a new partnership between the County Council and Midlands Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust (MPFT) operating as Staffordshire Treatment And Recovery System (STaRS). Correspondence regarding this change and contact details for the new service can be found here.
Currently commissioned services include:
- Observed Consumption
- Needle Exchange (Staffordshire only)
Updated SLAs for each of the above services will be added to the relevant pages once available.
Summary of Services Across Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent |