Smoking Cessation
There are a national advanced service, a local service and a local pilot service for smoking cessation. For information on the other services, please follow the below links.
Smoking Cessation – national service
Smoking Cessation – pilot service
Staffordshire Stop Smoking Service
The Staffordshire service is run through Everyone Health .
Support is available for anyone aged 18 or over (or an inpatient aged 16 and over who are discharged into Community Stop Smoking Support) living in Staffordshire who is not receiving a stop smoking intervention from another provider living in Staffordshire. They must also be a current smoker of any tobacco product.
More information and contact details can be found on Everyone Health’s Stop Smoking Site.
Stoke-on-Trent Stop Smoking Service
The Stoke-on-Trent service is free with specialist 1to1 support from dedicated coaches and free access to stop smoking medications / e-cigarettes for people who live, work or have a GP in Stoke-on-Trent and meet the following criteria:
- Have a moderate or severe mental health illness
- Are currently pregnant
- Live with or are the partner or family member of a pregnant woman who is accessing our service
To register, patients can contact the service directly on: 0808 169 1869 or register through the ‘Quit Smoking Stoke-on-Trent website
Anybody who doesn’t meet the above criteria, can sign up to the service using the same links or phone number but there is no access 1to1 support from dedicated coaches or free stop smoking medications / e-cigarettes. The criteria for this service is:
- Aged 12 and over
- Who are current smokers of a tobacco product (anyone who has smoked in the last 14 days)
- Who want to stop smoking with support from the service
- Who are not receiving a stop smoking service from another provider
- Residing, working or registered with a GP within Stoke on Trent
Black Country & South Staffordshire Stop Smoking Service
This Smoking Cessation Service is designed for hospital patients on discharge, who have decided to quit smoking whilst in hospital. For more information, follow the links below.
Dudley CP: Smoking Cessation Service
Summary of Services Across Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent |