Foundation Pharmacist Training Information

Dear colleagues,

We would like to inform you of upcoming sessions available to yourselves run by the Midlands Pharmacy NHSE WT&E team in preparation for registering your Foundation Pharmacy training programme on ORIEL (National Recruitment System).

We will be hosting weekly drop-in sessions to support employers with practical queries related to the ORIEL system.

In addition, we will be offering webinars to employers explaining the Initial Education and Training of Pharmacists reform programme (IETP) and the changes to Foundation Pharmacy training in 2025-2026. During the webinar we will share links to resources where you can find further information and there will be an opportunity for questions and answers.  We will repeat the webinar four times during January and March 2024 to enable colleagues to attend. You will only need to attend once but you are welcome to attend further should you have any questions.

Please see attached Support sessions for Pharmacy Foundation Training 25-26 (1) which contains the dates and times of sessions and MS Teams meeting links. No registration is required. We have alternated day times and evening times to try to maximise attendance.

Any queries please contact