Repeat Prescription Ordering – Position Statement
At its May 2014 meeting the LPC agreed a Position Statement in relation to Repeat Prescription Ordering by Pharmacies. The LPC supports CCGs in reducing medicines waste through patient and carer education and looking at the whole re-ordering process from all perspectives. Where any specific issues come to light the LPC will work with the Area Team, the pharmacy and the GP practice to investigate and resolve those issues, as described in the document below. However the LPC will not provide help or support to any contractor pharmacy or pharmacist who is proved to be deliberately over ordering or willfully failing to follow SOPs for Repeat Prescription ordering processes.
The Position statement is based on one recently agreed by Derbyshire LPC and we thank them for allowing us to use and adapt this for South Staffordshire’s use; this has just been updated to reflect the changes in NHS England’s structure since the original version was published.