Seisdon PCN


GP Practice, ODS Code & Contact Number Linked Pharmacy, ODS Code & Contact Number
Bilbrook Medical Centre M83097 01902 847313 Bills Pharmacy, 29 High Street, Kinver FHT42 01384 872117
Claverley M83125 01746 710223 Birches Bridge Pharmacy FA794 01902 842935
Dale Medical Practice M83093 01902 892209 Boots UK Ltd (Branch: 6120 – Wombourne High St AP0120) FCH60 01902 892430
Featherstone M83715 01902 305899 Boots UK Ltd (Branch: 6123 – Wombourne Gigg Ln AP0123) FVT62 01902 324062
Gravel Hill Surgery M83018 01902 839375 Codsall Pharmacy FQ851 01902 847120
Lakeside M83132 01902 755329 Coven Pharmacy FWM74 01902 790074
Russell House Surgery M83031 01902 842488 I-Meds Pharmacy FX051 01902 546565
Tamar Medical Centre M83668 01902 755053 Lloyds Pharmacy FLH07 01902 842886
MedKing Pharmacy FKE92 01902 742100
Millstream Pharmacy, The Avenue, Featherstone FDY35 01902 865525
Pattingham Pharmacy, 1 Meadow View, Pattingham FKK87 01902 700700
Well Pharmacy FHK73 01902 742100
Wombourne Pharmacy FWP30 01902 893366

If any of these details are incorrect, please let us know by filling in our form