Chief Operating Officer – Dr Tania Cork FRPharmS

I have lived in North Staffordshire for most of my life. I studied at the Robert Gordon University in Aberdeen and qualified as a pharmacist in 1994 after my pre-registration year at Boots.

As a pharmacist I have gained experience working for multiples, independent pharmacies, academia, GP practices, hospital and the PCT. I gained an independent seat on the LPC in 2006 whilst being the superintendent for Milton’s Chemists.

During my career as a pharmacist I have managed to complete a Diploma in Community Pharmacy, an MSc in Community Pharmacy and Doctorate in Pharmacy at Keele University and a Post Grad Certificate in Medical Education at Cardiff University.

In November 2008 I was appointed Chief Officer of the LPC and I now spend my time split between the LPC role and as an academic pharmacist at Keele. My specialist research is in relation the Health Literacy and the community pharmacy. And in early 2024 I was elected as Chair of Health Literacy UK (HLUK).

I have completed a Doctorate in Pharmacy. My research study was to identify health literacy interventions for everyday use in community pharmacy using qualitative and consensus methodology. Papers from this thesis will be published in due course. I have also conducted many other research, evaluation and quality improvement projects in community pharmacy, some recent examples of which are outlined below:



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